
I am a visual artist, researcher and educator. What interests me is a critical engagement with topics of migration, transculturality, a-nationalism, decoloniality and memory as related to my biography and a wider contemporary context. My professional backround is in art, digital media and urban practice. With this transdiciplinary expertise I utilize a wide range of methodologies – mental mapping, walking, soundwalking, interviewing, oral history telling, audio-visual documentation, archival research. I create audio walks, 3D and audio-video installations in public spaces and cultural venues, conceptialize and give workshops, trainigs and seminars, conduct research and publish monographs.

I hold MA in Space Strategies (Art School Berlin-Weißensee, 2011) and a practice-based PhD in Fine Arts (Bauhaus University Weimar, 2019). In 2021/2022 I was a Postdoc Fellow at the Bauhaus University Weimar, conducting research on the project “Museum of Art Solidarity”.

My recent engagements include: “From Palace to Forum” (seminar, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, 2021/2022); “Museum of Art Solidarity” (guest lecture, MA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Bauhaus University Weimar, 2022); “Mediating Heterogeneity: Urban Thresholds (seminar collaboration with the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Joint Master of Architecture, 2022/2023); “The Autonomous Museum” (participation in the exhibition “Whose Side Are You On?”, National Opera and Ballet House, Skopje 2022); “Solidarity of Art (A-National and Transcultural)” (artistic project collaboration with artist Susanna Schönberg, UNESCO-World Cultural Heritage Zollverein, Essen 2023, “TUNE IN. Audio Walk with Ukrainian Artists (in collaboration with Mariia Lutsak, Sofiia Yesakova, and Somari Ptashka), Audio Walk in Berlin, Charlottenburg, 2023).

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