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Ivana Sidjimovska
visual artist and urban space researcher
Academia & Teaching
Museum of Art Solidarity
BEFORE / AFTER Skopje 2014
From Palace to Forum: Designing Histories in Berlin’s Urban Space
Soundscapes of Spandau
Artistic Research & the City
My House Is Your House
Ephemeral Monuments
Artistic Projects
TUNE IN: Audio walk with Ukranian artists
Solidarity of Art (anational and transcultural)
SoA Personal Statements #1 and #2
SoA Sharing Selected Items – a study for the production of a glossary
Out of the Periphery / Museum of Art Solidarity
The Autonomous Museum
The Decolonial Museum
The Museum in Exile
Somewhere Anywhere
Liminal States
Recounting Skopje
Embodied Gestures
Transient Ambiances
11 Mental Maps Kreuzberg
Memory Istanbul
SoA Sharing Selected Items – a study for the production of a glossary